Monday, July 21, 2008

Why Do Mexican Students Fail?

This is a hard question. I am responsible to understand why. I do research in Mathematics Education in Mexico. I hear little children around me right now. Are they different than children everywhere else? Absolutely not.

What is going on then? As you can read below more than 90% of the students applying to the most prestigious public university in Mexico City were rejected.

This is a good news, bad news story. The good news is that UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) professors will have the best students the public education system of the city offers. The bad news is that many intelligent young people won´t be given a chance to prove that they can perform at the highests levels. In the past only one student became a Mine Engineer after eight years of study, with very few others in his cohort. This might have been acceptable then to keep these valued professionals well paid; but Mexico and the world have entered into a new era. China is graduating many more professionals than Mexico. This is my concern. Mexico is staying behind in these difficult times we are going through.

I can report one good note though.

A friend of mine assures me that the Universidad Autónoma de Puebla is graduating around two hundred computer scientists with a bachelor´s degree every year, and he assures me that they have high standards there.

I have to understand what is my friend in Puebla doing well, and why UNAM is so backward.

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