Monday, March 09, 2009


First Robert Oppenheimer proclaims that physicists have sinned; and now Emanuel Derman (below) tells us that we (physicists) messed up Wall Street.

At this rate all the images of mad scientists people have, from Arquimedes, to Edward Teller, passing through Frankenstein, will be vindicated.

I just saw The Watchmen, guess what the smartest man on Earth comes up with ,to save humanity?

I won't ruin your movie experience, but don't expect any Dr. Manhattan Fan Club, anytime soon. Maybe some will like his "Giant Blue Wiener"; but that does not save our reputation, I don't think. Or does it? See the movie, anyway.

1 comment:

Lev said...

You should clarify that Dr. Manhattan is not the person who had a goal to save humanity, although he does have the infinite power to do so. "The world's smartest man" you refer to is Ozymandias.

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