Monday, November 08, 2010

Are There Aliens in the Tea Party?

``The quest goes on, although the role and surely the leadership of American science in it is uncertain. Incoming Republicans have already signaled their desire to whack discretionary spending, which includes nonmilitary research, back to 2008 levels.

That would pretty much undo the America Competes Act, which aimed at doubling research funds for a number of government agencies over five years; it was first passed in 2007 and reauthorized by the House of Representatives last summer but is still awaiting a vote in the Senate.

It might be a long wait.''


As I hinted in a previous note. When we see how close we are from finding little green men outside the Solar System, it is suspicious to see these Teabggers trying to kill scientific projects.

Just  saying.

Actually there are two Dr. Who episodes with a plot like that.

Aliens of London

Scientists complaining on the alien invasion.

Nature News.

More on US Science pains with the aliens in charge.

From Nature:

``Restricted budgets; investigations of climate research; hearings on ocean science; debates about NASA's future. The US elections last week, which gave Republicans a commanding control of the House of Representatives, could throw a series of challenges at science over the next two years.''

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