Saturday, August 08, 2009

Centers of Power

I see similarities between several realms of experience. Matter and Energy distribution in the Universe, Human Genome, Biological Neuron Networks, and Internet Connectivity.

I'll start with a famous saying.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

George Orwell, Animal Farm.

Let us start with the 1998 discovery that the Universe is Accelerating.

The simplest explanation so far given, is that baryon and lepton matter, together with the associated forces corresponds to 4% of all that is. 22% is Dark Matter, and the rest, 74% Dark Energy.

I see a center of power phenomenon here. All the 96% that there is, is there to serve the 4% that we represent.

Now the Human Genome, 97 % has an "unknown function". To me it sounds like dead wood.

Our brain represents the next example. I do not know of equivalent percentages, but I would not be surprised if we only know well a tiny percentage of what our neurons do. There is a often quoted 10% of our brains we actually use, the extra 90% is going out for the ride..

Finally we have the Internet Graph Theory Measurements. All I can tell you about that is that The New York Times, gets more hits, than this modest blog of mine gets.

Now what?

I guess we are facing a similar exponential distribution of links phenomenon. Just like number theory, a là Gauss gives us the Law of Big Numbers. Some, I hope, simple combination of geometry and number theory gives us this seemingly Universal Law, as in the Bible, "to those that have, more should be given".


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