Monday, January 22, 2007

How Could the Present World Order End?

It is a historical fact that no government lasts forever. The Roman Empire had its moment, but nobody speaks Latin now really. At this moment one could make a case that the US is the New World Order. Democracy in Iraq, Afghanistan, and maybe soon in Iran and North Korea? It does not seem likely. More likely I see a future Venezuela with a one man rule just like Cuba.

At least the intended purpose of the Bush administration does not seem doable.

I see a breakdown of the current capitalist way of doing things. There has not been an effort, definitely not from this administration, for a sustainable path of development. The one man rule of Cuba seems to have been more successful in this direction. They are not sending huge amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere.

If somebody is going to put the pieces together of this broken Earth, I think the more likely candidates are the indigenous peoples from all over the World.

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