Friday, July 30, 2010

BMW Lost to Global Warming?

``Por la mañana, debido a las constantes lluvias que han caído en la ciudad, se reportó el reblandecimiento de las raíces de un árbol en la colonia San Rafael, delegación Cuauhtémoc, lo que ocasionó que cayera sobre un auto BMW estacionado en la calle de Guillermo Prieto esquina con Manuel María Contreras. El árbol también afectó un semáforo.''

Near our apartment in Mexico City, it rained so much last night, that a tree fell on a BMW. In Spanish read here.''

Cause an effect are hard to pinpoint here. Why an BMW, precisely that one very near where I grew up, was totaled by climate?

It is not possible to answer that question, I do not know the owner, but I am sure that person is blaming somebody or something.

Who's to blame?

I don't know; I am sure, though, going forward people will migrate towards the Earth Poles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was this incident by any chance near "La Colmena", a fine establishment for busy bees like myself?
I hope not.

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