Thursday, June 05, 2008

Bright Children

I was reading today the ideas of David Dalrymple, since he was thirteen, grown ups were interested in him. He is set to fix computer architecture from serial to parallel. Also today I heard about children in Mexico City ready to get into science programs. I ask myself: What can a child do and when?

My son is also sixteen and bright. Can they go ahead without our help?

I don´t think so, at least we have to provide social references, What and why is important? We adults sometimes have trouble knowing this, Then how can we help?

Our role is to provide a useful common sense. Einstein said that common sense is what we believe before 18. Science has to go beyond common sense, but first we have to develop a new improved common sense we can share with our children.

Yes David Dalrymple can improve computers, and most bright children deserve the opportunity to make their mark in this world.

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