Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Generalized Selection Principle

There is human work that remains, and some that is lost. What to do? is a frequent question we answer to keep our lives meaningful. I joined Sugar Labs. Since I speak Spanish I tried to write a proper translation, when I finished it was not saved. I am a member of Wikipedia also; likewise my contributions there are very small. I propose here for myself a method, like Descartes many years ago in France. Here it goes.

Selection is a process we engage in. I choose when to stop writing, and when to continue. Tendency is where I want to end up after some work is finished. I select where I want to end up. I believe that Charles Darwin, just found the tip of the iceberg. Lee Smolin has a specific proposal for Quantum Gravity. The right theory is that one that leads to the maximum number of black holes. He expects to get some, maybe all, the values of the Standard Cosmological Model, that way. Varying these parameters within small ranges, the production of black holes should go down. There are some unknown actors, selecting big corn heads (read note below), at play behind this beautiful Universe of ours.

This proposal is for my work only, if some reader finds it useful, I´ll be grateful if she lets me know.

The Generlized Selection Process consists of a method to choose, the goal of this method is the production of members of a class. Say scientific ideas. One idea is chosen, if it produces more ideas that in their turn, produce even more ideas, then the idea is selected. These ideas have to be interesting to the author and others that know them. A set of ideas is not chosen if varying one of them just a little, produces less ideas. There has to be some wholeness to the final set of ideas. Some consistency; as Smolin is trying to do with his proposal of maximum production of black holes.

The method consists at least of four items:

  • Understand the situation in need of choice
  • Imagine an strategy to go from beginning to end
  • Execute the strategy
  • Check that the goal was achieved
This is clearly George Polya´s method to solve a math problem. Other thinkers have reached similar proposals, and I believe that even the Mexican plant breeder I write about in the Selection note below, uses a variation on this theme.

This Generilized Selection Principle produces coherent response systems for my actions, and those that choose to use it. It can be recursive, if this first version of the Principle does not work, applying the method a better one could be found. Eventually like that ancestor of mine, bigger corn heads will be produced.

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