Thursday, May 21, 2009

Why Johnny Can't Divide?

I usually don't put myself in this frame of mind, of blaming the kids of what are basically problems caused by grown ups. I just read a few posts on problems like the one that heads this note. I am working with a student on Divisions and Congruences, for a Master Thesis on Math Education.
His interest is number theory, mine calculators.
After some time bouncing ideas on the topic, it seems that finally we are zeroing on a problem.
I am not going to state precisely what is the problem here. That is for later, more likely in another writing piece, hopefully one that can be published. Here I am going to just shoot the breeze.
Below you can read a  piece in the NYT by somebody in that paper (no name given).
My pop educator explanation is that Johnny can't divide because he has a calculator.

We gave him the calculator, now we have to face the consequences.

So my pop solution is to teach him how to program a computer instead of teaching him division algorithms that he won't need and he never learned anyways.

Case closed.

More later. Maybe you can post your thoughts in the comments section.

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