Tuesday, July 20, 2010


``By pairing simultaneous specimens of the distance traveled by a falling stone and of the duration of the motion, Galileo discovered not only that [;s;] is a function of [;t;], but that [;s = 16t^2;]. Similarly, [;s = \frac{1}{64}v^2;] and [;v = 32 t;]. Each such formula may (in analogy to the description of  [;L = 7\frac{1}{2}ft.;]as an equality of a quantity, [;L;], and a ``denominate number,'' [;7\frac{1}{2}ft.;]) be described as an equality of a variable and a denominate function. We reformulate these equalities in terms of pure numbers and functions by writing ([;L;] in [;ft.;]) = [;7\frac{1}{2};] and ([;s;] sim. [;t;]) = [;16\cdot j^2;] where ([;s;] sim. [;t;]) stands for the following function: the set of all ordered pairs ([;\sigma, \tau;]) of values of [;s;] and [;t;] which are paired by virtue of the pairing of the specimens. More briefly, [;s_t = 16\cdot j^2;] , [;s_v =\frac{1}{64}\cdot j^2;], [;v_t = 32\cdot j;]. The mass of a piece of lead is related to the historical time by a constant function.''

[;\textsc{KARL MENGER};] wrote an article in 1955 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, introducing three kinds of variable; namely, logical, scientific, and mathematical.

Precise language serves the purposes of logic, science, and mathematics.

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