Saturday, November 14, 2009


I prefer that date to 12/21/12. It is more symmetric and in Mexico that is Virgin Mary's Day. Besides that is my wedding anniversary. I'll be married 33 years that day.

I just went to the Premiere of the movie, here in Chilpancingo. It cost me $2.923076923 at today's exchange rate.

Neutrinos will metarmophize that day. That is news!

I don't think so, so I guess the rest of the movie should just be enjoyed like any action movie.

They had several very, very close lucky moments. The one I remember  is when the hero; a writer! comes from the water with a yellow broken piece of equipment, like a good plumber. I guess Mario, the plumber video games hero must've inspired some of the kids writing the script.

I'm glad I only paid three bucks.

NYT piece on money made in first weekend.

NYT Review.

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