Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cursing in Mexico City

NYT reports on the habits of Mexicans. I myself don't like to curse, but yes, since the sixties Mexicans have become more like people from Alvarado Veracruz.

I will talk for myself, people from my generation can correct me. It is not a big deal to use the "f "word once in a while. I rather not, I guess because my parents didn't use profanities at home. Somehow out in the university it became cool to talk like that. Girls talked like that also.

I believe that some sense of rebellion brought us there. Cultural rebellion.

Many years later, I'd prefer my children and their relatives, use more proper Spanish.

I guess that means I'm getting old.

I found the article linked above, because I was looking for the NYT version of the historic march yesterday in Mexico. I wrote before in this blog that the NYT is not a Mexico City paper, and that the revolution won't be televised.

I guess journalists have to write something about, like spoiled brats, because their bosses don't let them write on what is happening there.

I guess those girls are right in using such language, this is a F*cked up world.

1 comment:

Eduardo Cantoral said...

I really don't feel old. But I guess I used to curse more before.

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