Monday, November 16, 2009

I See the End

I keep asking questions in my posts. I remember listening to John Archibald Wheeler once at the Physics Department of the University of California at Santa Babara.

That man never gave a straight answer.

So I figure, I could go about life the same way; one looks wise. Somehow, reading about the sorry state of the American infrastructure in today's NYT Bob Herbert piece, it hit me.

Empires come and empires go; that is the story of humanity. Why should today be different.  I understand now all those Tea Party protesters, Sarah Pallin et al.. Americans have gone nuts.

 The End of Mexico, tied to the US is now clear. Here we do not even decide who works, and who doesn't, it is all decided in the offices of the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.



Unknown said...

Boy, you're just full of good news today.

Eduardo Cantoral said...

I know, I'm still alive, and as they say in Mexico: Hope is the last thing that dies. La Esperanza es lo último que muere.

The point though, is that the big wigs don't seem to have a clue. I was teaching a few years back in Aurora Illinois. One Summer before class, I read in the paper, that early in the morning in a street nearby, the manhole cover flew up in the sky, and fortunately didn't fall in anybody's head.

Too much!

Unknown said...

Eduardo, do you think that there is something to 2012?

Unknown said...

Yeah, I was having a hard time believing that you did, and I should have read further into your rapidly changing blog, but you've been talking about the end a lot lately, so I had to ask.

Eduardo Cantoral said...

I've seen problems since 1968 with the Club of Rome. "Limits to Growth". But the world is still here.

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