Monday, November 16, 2009

UFOs, 2012, Chilpancingo?

Hey, at this rate I'll make the name of this town as famous as Roswell. Why not, both are cultural deserts.

Yesterday we had our first UFO aficionados meeting, and I went to see 2012 for the second time, at three bucks the ticket I reckoned it was worth it.

What is this nonsense, Orson Welles must be laughing loudly wherever he is.

Why are we so gullible?

I try to keep a straight face, but I am starting to feel like a really odd ball. Who are these people around me? They don't know what a quark is, and they jump into fantasitc explanations to the simplest phenomena around them. If religious leaders in the past were thinking people, I understand now why they wrote those fairy tales that pass as sacred scriptures.

OK, the point of this ranting is to report that the people of Chilpancingo, me included, went to spend their hard earned money to indulge in fantasy, and some of them believe it. Besides they believe that extraterrestrials are out there, looking towards us.

You can read Dennis Overbye's Essay in the NYT on some of these issues  here.

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