Friday, November 20, 2009

The Certainty of Ideology

When I was in my early twenties I was clear in what was wrong and what was right. Now I am not so sure. I read Fidel Castro clearly acusing Colombia of helping the US to put military personnel there; lying about Chávez intentions.

"Such words can only serve to justify the aggressive plans of the United States and the blatant treachery of the Venezuelan oligarchy and counterrevolution to their homeland."

Maybe Fidel is right, but that certainty in an 83 year old man, makes me wonder.

Fidel is a giant ideologue, he will die like that. I guess I was never that much into certainty.


Unknown said...

I'm certain was never too much into ideology.

Eduardo Cantoral said...

I guess a lack of religion makes me prey to grandstands.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure that I understand what you meant by that, but I am glad to know that you too are an atheist, considering the obvious "strength" that an anthropic principle has in a finite universe.

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