Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Guy Got Me Going

Here I am wondering if unemployed youths are going to organize in huge gangs and take over my country. The conservative government in power in Mexico is ideologically incapable of taking care of these millions of bright and strong Mexicans.

Now I read this guy, Paul Krugman, he tells us today in the NYT that Germany is  doing just that. Taking care of all their beautiful young people - boy am I glad my dear niece is living there.

Waste of human potential. Shame on the National Action Party (PAN) in the Mexican White House, Los Pinos.

Our President great idea is to put forty thousand Mexican workers out of their electric company jobs, for some harebrained, mashugana plan.

I feel like Felipe Calderón, our President, is picking with a stick a huge sleepy tiger in the ribs .

If he keeps it up, I'm out of here!

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