Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nikodem J. Popławski

"The proposed description of the origin of our Universe may explain the arrow of time. Although the laws of the ECKS theory of gravity are time-symmetric, the boundary conditions of the Universe are not, because the motion of matter through the event horizon of a black hole is unidirectional and thus it can define the arrow of time. The arrow of cosmic time of a universe inside a black hole would then be fixed by the time-asymmetric collapse of matter through the event horizon, before the subsequent expansion. Such an arrow of time would also be entropic: although black holes are states of maximum entropy in the frame of outside observers, new universes expanding inside black holes would allow entropy to increase further."

Popławski from Indiana University proposes a worm hole with spin as a model for the Universe.

Taken from arXiv.

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