Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Paulette Gebara Farah

This little girl died a few days ago in Mexico. I usually do not follow the crime section of the news. I know there is crime, but the way it is reported I do not understand much. I do not understand this either, but so many links come towards this poor girl's death, that I feel like writing this.

The mother Lisette Farah has a Facebook account. Lisette Farah. That is not the account, somebody else started that section I do not know why. This woman is now all over the news.  I guess she will be the first Mexican celebrity/crime through the Internet.  I did receive some invitations through the social sites I belong to, to get involved, first to find the little Paulette and then to follow the leads. I did not pay any attention. Finally today I took a look.

In La Jornada today, the Mexican paper I follow; I finally read a little bit. Even the presidential candidate Enrique Peña Nieto, in his role as the State of Mexico Governor, had this to say:

"Más tarde, en Toluca, el gobernador Enrique Peña Nieto avaló el desempeño de la PGJEM, que ha sido muy clara en este caso y lo resolverá con apego a derecho, con justicia y verdad."

My translation:

Later, in Toluca, governor Enrique Peña Nieto supported the good work of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico, which has been "very clear" in this case and will solve it within the law, with "justice and truth".

Toluca is the state capital of this state next to Mexico City. This man seems to like publicity, his wife is dead under suspicious circumstances, and now he is romantically involved with a Mexican soap opera celebrity. The TV station Televisa, where she is a star, is campaigning for him for the presidential election of 2012.

I guess with this involvement in a case that electrified the Mexican Nation, his chances of getting elected increase.

The article ends like this:

"Mientras, en el municipio de Huixquilucan policías de la Agencia de Seguridad Estatal siguen vigilando el edificio donde habitaba la familia Gebara Farah."

Meanwhile, in  Huixquilucan county, police agents from the State Security Agency keep their watch on the building where the Gebara Farah family used to live.

I have a dear high school friend whom used to come from that town in the South West, all the way to the North of a huge Mexico City, when we were students in the late 60s.


Unknown said...

based on my conclusions i would say that paulette's mom and Enrique pena nieto are both involved in this murder. I would think that the mom wanted to gain money from it and Enrique wanted to increase his votes for the 2012 election, by getting involved in the case and gaining publicity.

Unknown said...

pls reply back and let me know what you think about my opinio..

Eduardo Cantoral said...


I'm sorry I didn't see your comment before.

I do not like the Televisa connection to the 2012 election, precisely because it can lead to the class of arguments that you present.

It is logical, but difficult to prove.

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