Monday, February 08, 2010

Ciudad Juárez

This twin city of El Paso, Texas; is under siege.

The Mexican Government has decided to move state and federal authorities to this city to better fight a group of rotten apples, that have taken control of the City.

This issue comes close to my heart. In the late 1990s the Cosmic Ray Auger Project was interested in building Auger North in Mexico. I defended the case at Fermilab, and when they asked me about the City nearby, I couldn't lie. Yes, there are over a million people there, and the sky is not dark. I didn't go into any of the Savage Detectives and 2666 books by Roberto Bolaño. Nevertheless I knew that they had been killing young female workers in that City. Nobody asked, and I didn't tell.

We lost anyway, Auger North is going to be built somewhere in the US.

Finally President Calderón decided last week, that something new has to be tried.

As far as I'm concerned, we lost control of our country.


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