Monday, February 15, 2010

Here We Go

Tea Party Revolution

It is with grave concern that I share this with you. I have been following the white wounded tiger for several years now. You know, I do not look like a Swede or a Finish. I look more like an Arab, or a Gypsy. The members of the Tea Party look alien to me.

I assume I look alien to them.

Now what?

Are we going to have a high noon moment?

I used to play soccer when I was a kid, whenever both teams started to throw blows at the other team, I run to stop the fight. That is me.

Can I stop this fight?

This is what I have been trying to do with this blog. Get enlightened people, the sky is falling, this is no time to panic.

After reading these five pages in the NYT, I feel that something ugly is coming. I do not know if it will give you comfort if I tell you that in my neck of the woods, war drums are also strong.

Bring it on?


That will be the end.

Sarah Palin calm your troops; this is no tea party!

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