Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just Saying: Cerda in Agualeguas?

I do not have any proof whatsoever for the following, just putting things together.

Last week, two persons by the name of Cerda were killed in Agualeguas, Nuevo León in Mexico. I happen to have had a cousin, Rubén Uriza Cerda, recently dead. He told me that he knew the former president of Mexico Carlos Salinas de Gortari, also from Agualeguas. This man likes to horse ride, and my cousin was an expert rider, given that his father got a Gold Medal in the equestrian competition during the 1948 Olympiad in England.

The recent killings are related to the drug war going on in Mexico. The brother of the former president, Raúl Salinas de Gortari, spent some years in prison, because he sent somebody to kill his ex brother in law, who was gay and a candidate for a higher office in their political party, the PRI; this party ruled Mexico for seventy years. Later on, another brother of the Salinas family, Enrique Eduardo Guillermo , was killed in a mysterious way.

I do not know if those Cerdas are related to my cousin, but I feel I should put this in the public record, since I noticed that the news agencies that have reported and the recent crimes do not mention any of this. Maybe my cousin recommended these Cerdas to the Salinas.

Just saying.

BTW, Carlos Slim Helu (Forbes magazine has information on him) also knows Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

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