Thursday, February 04, 2010

Another Beauty

Liu Zhao from China has another set of ideas about Entropic Force for Relativity. Simple things that I knew, but didn't know I knew; or as Kant wrote many years ago:

"Men who never think independently have nevertheless the acuteness to discover everything, after it has been once shown them, in what was said long since, though no one ever saw it there before."

Using ideas of the Mexican physicist Hernando Quevedo, Zhao proves that Einstein's idea of relativity is an emergent concept. Zhao talks about the "puzzle of two". Why are there two principle theories, Thermodynamics and Gravitation. Everything obeys these theories' requirements, why?

As Kant says. We all knew these things, it is only now that we notice them.

Where is the center of gravity of fundamental research, now?

It seems that not in the US anymore.

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