Friday, January 29, 2010

Are We Near the Quantum Gravity Theory?

A hundred and ten years ago Max Plank hit on an important formula for the Black Body Radiation problem.

u(\nu,T)=\frac{2 h\nu^3}{c^2}\cdot\frac1{e^{h\nu/k_BT}-1}  
This year Changjun Gao discovered a new application of Debye's theory of specific heat's formula; then he applied it to Verlinde's theory of Gravity, and got agreement with cosmological z dependence:
"The dimensionless Hubble parameter h with redshift z. The solid line is for the standard ΛCDM model. The circled line is for our model."

You can see the agreement in his paper linked above.

Below you have the specific heat Debye formula.

To me this looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It is a duck!

Of course as you may know by now, nobody asks me for my opinion. But you can tell people that you read it here first.

 \frac{C_V}{Nk} = 9 \left({T\over T_D}\right)^3\int_0^{T_D/T} {x^4 e^x\over\left(e^x-1\right)^2}\, dx\,.

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