Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Huygens and Verlinde

These are two great Dutch thinkers.

Christiaan Huygens proposed that any wavefront could be considered as if made by a big number of spherical waves. Richard P. Feynman, and Kenneth Geddes Wilson found a way of summing quantum phases à la Huygens to calculate quantum mechanical amplitudes, and probability distributions.

Now the second Dutch physicist - Verlinde - proposes that we take boundaries, holographic boundaries, where the Information is stored, as the other great Dutch physicist, Gerard 't Hooft taught us. Holographic Information Storage Surface. Just write all the data in that Huygens-like boundary and we will have Verlinde's Entropical Force.

England and Germany will loose. No more Newton, no more Einstein. Who would've bet that the Oranje team was going to win?

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