Friday, January 29, 2010

What Did High-z and SCP Find?

At the end of last year I wrote several notes about minority materials. I based them on the discovery by the SCP and the High-z teams of deviations to Hubble's law of universal expansion.

I based the notes on the then current idea that Dark Energy, and Matter, were the simplests explanations of those accelerated galaxies far away.

All that changed in december as I was writing the notes. Verlinde had pursued an old idea of Andrei Sakharov considering gravity as a non-fundamental force, i.e. derived from more fundamental concepts. Verlinde thought of the entropic motion of the most elementary elements of physics: point particles. Entropic force is a metaphor for probabilistic effects like diffusion. Particles go where there are less of them, if the probability to go either way is the same, just because there are more going one way than the other.

Even if there were no economic incentives, if the US Mexico border were to open, after some time you will have more Mexicans in the US; just because we are one hundred million here, and thirty million there. Simple probability, first used by Fermat and Pascal in the Seventeenth Century, will tell you that much. This is not Rocket Science.

Finally Changjun Gao improved Verlinde's proposal and considered quantum mechanical particles. As first understood by Einstein, the specific heat in a solid goes to zero at zero temperature. In the same way, Gao proposes that at the present time Hawking's temperature for any holographic surface is low, for the Neptune, as he puts it, the temperature is law. In the past though, to be more precise, five billion years after the Big Bang, it was hot enough to have had a higher temperature, and then we should expect that we'll see far away galaxies moving as if pushed out by a mysterious antiforce, a repulsive cosmic force, so called by last year wisdom, Dark Energy.

Gao says now, no such thing; all we need to do is a better thermodynamic model than Verlinde's, who assumed an ideal gas, let's assume Debye's model, which thought of these things around Eintein's time, and apply the corresponding, more accurate temperature variations so obtained. Volià, he gets the same as the so-called ΛCDM model. Which is physicists jargon for Dark Energy.

Gao does not need Dark Materials.

Now we need somebody to explain us: Why do we need Debye if no Quantum Theory was used by him?

What Gao did is called phenomenology. He does not have to explain which fundamental quantum theory produces this success. Somebody else, or himself, I am sure he is working on that, will find the explanation.

There are several flavors of Quantum Gravity, or pregeometry theories. Space is emergent in these views. Maybe Lee Smolin's Loop Quantum Gravity, or Hořava-Lifshitz. We don't know yet. But we know that Gao's guess, seems right.

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