Monday, February 01, 2010

Entropic Dynamics (3)

Obama wants the private sector to take on the responsibility of building space crafts. At the very least, invite other countries for a World Space Program.

Given my proposal to Obama to open the Mexican-American border, one could ask: What size a country?

I read sometime ago: What size a country, is like asking what size women swimming suits?

We have bikinis, full dresses, nothing! It is really difficult to answer, what size a country?

This looks like a question for this series of notes on Entropy in Economics.

CERN already stole the superconductor industry lead from Illinois. American representatives sisn't want to pay for it and canceled the Superconductor Supercollider in Texas, at the end of last century. Americans did not want to be number one anymore. Maybe they couldn't be number one, I really don't know.

Then CERN should just be a branch of the UN, like UNESCO, or something, and space exploration should be handled by another UN organization. Will that work?

Let me think of the names, what about:UNHEPO? United Nations Highe Energy Physics Organization; and UNSEO? United Nations Space Exploration Organization.

I guess it won't happen, those names sound like Harpo and Chico. This is pathetic.

Forget the names: Does Entropic Dynamics help with Space Exploration?

If they allow Mexico and Canada, into a real North American Union (NAU?) , Can we afford a space program alone?

I guess not, Mexico has a big foreign debt, and our space agency is just slowly moving in the Mexican Congress. Canada has a Space Agency, but very few people live in that country: Thirty four million. A little more than the Mexicans already living in the US.

I guess Entropic Dynamics won't help much answering the question. Maybe we can put the rocket field in the poor state of Hidalgo, where they have that amusement park, which video I posted below. Nevertheless the US does not have scarcity of empty land. Most of the central part of the country is vacant.

What can we bring to the table to save NASA?

I guess it is telling, that no high level NASA committee is knocking on doors her in Mexico, now that Obama just gave them a kick in the rear.

If the powerful people in the three countries had seen the need to integrate more than they are already, they would've gone to Fox News.

Remember I am just playing a toy model. The Entropic Dynamic North American model.

I guess I am ready to define this model.

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