Thursday, October 15, 2009

Country South of the Border on Brink of Revolution

I may be paranoic but I see Mexico in the brink of civil disobedience at a huge scale and the NYT decides to publicize the following:

Drop That Taco! Mexico City Puts Cops on Diet

Published: October 15, 2009
Filed at 9:44 p.m. ET

''We can't tell them, 'Don't eat sandwiches and tacos,''' Frias said. ''What we can tell them is if you eat one sandwich today, if you eat three tacos today, then balance it with some vegetables.''

Disgruntled reader. 


Unknown said...


Eduardo Cantoral said...

We down here feel like the sky is falling. Beheaded people around Acapulco and Chilpancingo, the Electric Workers Union threatened and ready to take up to the streets; and all the international media finds interesting is how many tacos our police officers eat.

As I wrote, the NYT is not a Mexico City paper, I have to live with that.

Unknown said...

At least those fat cops won't be a problem. I'm sorry that things are so bad.

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