Friday, October 02, 2009

Unemployment and Fight for Jobs

September was not the best month for Americans seeking employment. There are millions of unemployed Americans.

Here in Mexico there are not that many jobs either. I can see already some of my colleagues fist fighting to secure some University position. There is a new Science School, and yesterday they had a confrontation of sorts.

I'm looking for signs that inform me about what to expect. Besides the Mayan prediction that an important cycle closes in 2012, we have more cosmic rays coming our way, because the Sun's magnetic field is acting anomalously.

Astronauts are inside more radiation right now, than in previous times. Even communication equipment, and others like the Kepler satellite, are having glitches.

Could it be that we are reaching a special point in our evolution when we could find out about habitable planets in our Galaxy, and our "neighbors" are trying to elbow us out?

I guess that is a good argument for a short story, but in any case, I don't like the economic indicators coming out of the US government agencies.

To top it all, with Fox news, and all the American extremists taking over the media, I feel uncomfortable.

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