Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I am not a fan of social networks. I guess I am not a very social person. I send emails to a few friends or authors, sometimes regarding their research.

I have a family, and as many things in my online presence, it has been at their prodding that I have an electronic presence.

I wrote a few notes on the electronic version of La Jornada de Oriente when we started it at Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, of Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, around 1995. Unfortunately the hard drive of our server went kaput, and as far as I know those notes evaporated, they may exist in some kind of Internet cemetery somewhere in this Universe.

Now I am betting on Google staying as a robust platform to write my stuff.

Going back to social networks. My son invited me to Facebook, or I sneaked in, I forgot, but the point of this note is that I found my daughter there, rather she found me!

She hasn't been that much into all this Internet stuff.

Welcome Leza!

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