This morning listening to the University of Guerrero radio station, I was surprised to hear that last night around ten o'clock at night, Army personnel entered campus to deliver a document to the Rector.
I have difficulty in understanding this. The Rector's office is not on campus. There is another location for authorities.
When I left around midnight, I did see some people standing by. Since there are elections for department heads, I thought they were partisans for one or other candidate.
I am at campus right now, and nobody seems to be worried, not even aware of these news.
Also in the same radio station I heard that an important member of the drug cartels is in the hands of the Calderón government. Together with that information, an important member of the President's party has not been seen since last Saturday morning.
What a mysterious country. I'll report later when I know more.
In any case, I believe that everywhere in the world news are been made, but only once in a while they make it to the NYT, and then, they are news.
Today, May 21, I can confirm that an Army unit went to the Philosophy School. I rather they take classes there, instead of trying to intimidate intellectuals.
I want to add the following. The students that went to the radio, also mentioned some unknown professor, from Earth Sciences. I am near their building, I haven't seen anybody from that department that stays as late as I do. Maybe it was me they were referring to. Who knows?
From today's La Jornada Guerrero you can read:
"El director y un grupo de académicos de la Uafyl, vía Internet, enviaron también una postura consensuada: “lo inconcebible del pretexto para invadir el espacio universitario (particularmente el de la unidad académica de filosofía y letras) de elementos del Ejército, no puede hacernos pensar en la ignorancia o en lo ingenuo de la acción castrense, sino que nos lleva a creer que ha iniciado un proceso sistemático de violación a la autonomía universitaria que tanto las administraciones centrales de la UAG, como el propio Consejo Universitario no han sabido denunciar, detener y defender”.
Justino García Téllez, catedrático de la facultad, expuso que lo ocurrido es una situación sistemática y no descartó que también tenga alguna relación con el proceso electoral a directores y consejeros universitarios que se lleva a cabo en las unidades académicas."
The Director and some faculty members of the Philosophy Department, posted their shared position on the Internet:"the nonsensical pretext to invade the university campus (particularly the department of philosophy and Spanish) of the Army personnel, cannot make us think that their action was based on ignorance or naiveté, rather it leads us to think that the Army has started a systematic process of university autonomy violation that both the central administration of the UAG (Autonomous University of Guerrero), and the University Council proper have not been able to denounce, stop and defend".
Justino García Téllez, faculty member, expressed that what happened is a systematic situation, and did not discard that also may be related with the electoral process for directors and representatives to the University Council which are happening right now in the university departments.
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