Sunday, May 30, 2010

High School Graduation

My son finished high school with honors. His grades are not all As, but I know that he liked some of the work he did at school. Next Saturday I hope to be there with him, a new stage of his life starts.

I love life, some people go, new people come. We are a stream weaving beautiful rivulets in some ethereal substance.

My high school was in Mexico City, his is in Wheaton, but it is the same flow, exactly the same flow.

When I was his age I wondered why was I around; what is the purpose of life?

I did come up with several answers, one was to have him so he could graduate from high school: how lame; he may think. To me though, it made and does make a lot of sense.

Now I see that there is only one planet in the Solar System, where I, and he can be. From  over two hundred known star systems with planets, not a single one has intelligent life, as far as we know.

Given this planet, there is only a sliver of space, called the biosphere, where we can be. This huge Earth empty of life.

Finally inside the halls of Wheaton Warrenville South High School, very few instances of intelligent life, and my son is one. Isn't that amazing?

Congratulations Lev!

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