Friday, May 28, 2010

Pito Pérez, Luis Cariño, and I

Today it rained not cats, and dogs, but plastic bottles, and soccer balls. It was quite a sight to watch the Huacapa river nearby my place, surging up, with smelly garbage.

The dark colors of the waters reminded me of a conversation I had a year ago with Luis Cariño in Huitzuco, my mother's town. He told me that cheap greasy oil, was getting into water streams all over the place. He lives a hermitain life in the mountains of Huitzuco, near "La Tequisca", he gave up on all this nonsense. You can see him singing "El corrido de Huitzuco", here.

There is another Mexican character, this one fictional: Pito Pérez.

Both characters could say whatever they please because they weren't in anybody's payroll. I am on somebody's payroll, but they don't monitor my writing, and definitely I am not sending cheap oil in the Huacapa river, because I do not own an auto shop.

This is a mess!

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