Wednesday, March 24, 2010

2666 and Hillary Clinton

The US Department of State chief went to Mexico. The issue is Plan Mérida, a collaboration to fight crime. You can read Roberto Bolaño's masterpiece 2666, to find more about the terrible situation in Ciudad Juárez, and now El Paso.

From Wikipedia:

Stephen King in Entertainment Weekly:
This surreal novel can't be described; it has to be experienced in all its crazed glory. Suffice it to say it concerns what may be the most horrifying real-life mass-murder spree of all time: as many as 400 women killed in the vicinity of Juarez, Mexico. Given this as a backdrop, the late Bolaño paints a mural of a poverty-stricken society that appears to be eating itself alive. And who cares? Nobody, it seems.[13]

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