Saturday, March 06, 2010

Health Care, Immigration, and All That

I expected a hard time for that skinny black boy in the White House.

Well here we are.

Two important issues, and only one half done. We Mexicans are getting restless: Do you want to see other million marchers again? If things keep going the way I see, comes May 5, and all the kids at UC campuses will be marching with the million Latin Americans, mostly Mexicans, already here, that want some resolution.

If anybody in the White House is reading this, (Rahm Emanuel?), the time is NOW.

From today's LATimes:

"When it comes to immigration, Obama's strategy echoes that of healthcare. He has deferred heavily to Congress, leaving it up to Schumer and Graham to reach a breakthrough with the idea that he would put his weight behind the resulting compromise."

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