Tuesday, March 09, 2010


These gentlemen have published their theory of Inflation in:

They know more than I do, so they did not give up on Verlinde's idea as fast as I did. The source of Inflation was never clear, Alan Guth just said, let there be Inflation. These physicists, one already has the Nobel Physics Prize, run with it, and in this paper they finished what they started in a prior one.

Let us have fun.

So the Information stored in an holographic screen gives rise to the baby picture of God; mh.

In the first paper of the series we can read:

"Thus, the acceleration of the universe simply arises as a natural consequence of the entropy of the universe, via the holographic principle."


"The accelerated expansion rate is no longer surprising. It is the inevitable consequence of the holographic information storage on the surface screen of the universe. An interesting question [13] is: how does this entropic viewpoint of cosmic acceleration impact on inflationary theory?"

Well this last question is the content of the paper linked here. I am reading it now.

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