Monday, March 22, 2010

Indo European Tribe

In 1973 I got to UCSB in California. An Urdu speaking student from Pakistan approached me speaking in his language. I smiled and politely told him in English that I was Mexican. To no avail, I ended up rooming with a group of nice Pakistani friends for some time.

Now I know that we are the people of the milk. Cochran et al., in "The 10,000 year Explosion" present the view that a genetic change allowed our common ancestors to digest lactose late in life. The so called Indo-European languages are a proof of that. Sanskrit is the source. It is no accident that this branch of the human language tree has so many descendants. My grand father, Manuel Uriza Marbán, knew how to make cheese. To this day Huitzuco cheese is a good product.

The point of this note is that I have a piece on an Indian girl, Aruna Kesavan, and regularly I catch people reading that one.

I guess that is my tribe, I feel a bit more comfortable with them than with other groups. I guess some family ties.

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