Tuesday, March 30, 2010

13 Bankers

This book, was released this week to the bookstores. The authors mention people I admire in the Economics arena, Brooksley Born, Elizabeth Warren, Paul Krugman, and Joe Stiglitz. Furthermore the first author, Simon Johnson, is a professor at MIT, with experience in the International Monetary Fund (IMF). You can check the authors' blog, Baseline Scenario, on my blog list.

Mexico is being managed with old IMF ideas, when the rest of the world is getting out of that framework, it seems; even the US is not happy with the results.

Browsing the book at Borders, I felt that it was relevant to my note on Agualeguas and powerful entrenched people. Also on the uncompromising book by Roberto Bolaño, 2666.

When one looks objectively at the problems facing us, the answers are there for everybody to see, but somehow, we cannot bring up the courage to talk about them. A few greedy people taking us for a ride. As long as we continue in this business as usual set of mind we are risking ourselves, and even those ignorant and greedy people that do not know what the consequences of their acts are. We are all in danger, and if the Obama administration and its supporters do no act, then the problems we are facing will only get worse.

There. Read the book.

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